Orange Bank
About us
The main value for us is people, and everything that surrounds them. We see our mission in learning to better understand people and create necessary solutions for them, opening up new opportunities.
Business Principles
we go beyond the boundaries of formal conversation, which is customary in other banks. Not roles, but personal human communication is essential.
hrough confidential communication, we learn the true needs of the clients, their hopes and fears, so we are well aware of their situation and lifestyle.
all our activities, from product development to customer service, are built based on live, current information from the clients themselves.
Without constant analysis of one’s own mistakes, self-reflection, and subsequent adjustment of behavior, development is impossible. And without development, a person, like a company, ceases to exist. We constantly find new opportunities for improvement and thanks to this — we change, and therefore — we grow.
Let’s start with the fact that the person themselves is a creation, therefore the creative principle is fundamental to our life activities. The energy of creation is the purest and carries inspiration and joy. We are always creating something new, inspired by external impulses, generously sharing ideas and our creations with those around us.
Our Values
Empathy for us is not only the ability to understand a person by putting oneself in their shoes, but also the desire to do more than what a standard situation requires. Without this quality, it’s impossible to understand another person, and understanding the needs of clients and striving to satisfy them in the best possible way is fundamental to the development of any business.
Participation in Associations
Deposit Insurance Agency
Deposit Insurance Agency
Deposit Insurance Agency
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For business
Cash Management Services
Business Financing
Small Business Loans
OverdraftsContract Performance Loan
Tender Financing
Credit Holidays for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
Additional Services
Payroll Project
Personal Manager
Bank Cards
Additional Services (bank safe deposit box rental, etc.)
For physical persons
Charter / Articles of Association
Primary State Registration Number
Banking License
AML Comfort Letter
AML Comfort Letter
Documents, licenses, certificates
Charter / Articles of Association
Primary State Registration Number
Banking License
AML Comfort Letter
AML Comfort Letter
Bank’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy
In order to implement the requirements of the Federal Law of August 7, 2001, No. 115-FZ "On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, and Financing of Terrorism," Orange Bank LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) carries out the following set of measures to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism:
In accordance with the requirements of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation and the normative legal and other acts of the Bank of Russia, the Rules of Internal Control for the purpose of counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism have been developed and approved inby Orange Bank LLC.
A Responsible Officer has been appointed to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism.
Training of the Bank’s employees on issues related to counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism is conducted.
Measures are taken to prevent the Bank’s involvement in dubious schemes of client operations and transactions.
Other measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are implemented.
The main directions of the Bank’s activities in counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism are:
Implementation of the "Know Your Customer" policy.
Carrying out financial monitoring on a daily basis.
Improvement of internal procedures and technologies for detecting suspicious operations and transactions of clients.
Having uniform standards for counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism in the Bank and its branches.
Additionally, it is reported that the Bank:
Does not maintain relations with Banks that do not have permanently operating management bodies in the states where they are registered.
Does not establish relations with non-resident Banks whose accounts are used by Banks without permanently operating management bodies in the states where they are registered.
Does not establish relations with correspondent banks that do not carry out measures to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism, including the identification and study of clients.
Bank's AML/CFT and FATCA Policy
About the Taxation of Foreign Accounts (FATCA)
As part of the implementation of measures in accordance with the United States Law 'On the Taxation of Foreign Accounts' (hereinafter — FATCA), Orange Bank LLC is registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with the status of a participating financial institution (Participating FFI).
The Bank has been assigned an individual participant identification number: GIIN SB992Y.99 999.SL.643
Bank's FATCA Policy
Orange Bank LLC
Short Name
September 2, 2002
Date of Record Entry
30 101 810 0 904 with the North-Western Main Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Correspondent Account
190013, Saint Petersburg, Ruzovskaya Street, 16, building A, room 13-N
Legal Address
December 10, 1991
Date of Registration by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
190013, Saint Petersburg, Ruzovskaya Street, 16, building A, room 13-N
Actual Address
Registration Number
Primary State Registration Number
INN (Taxpayer Identification Number)
PRSBRU2P (effective from November 7, 2009)
Bank Details